[caption id="attachment_305" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Brown Sugar Cranberry Chutney Roll On Botanical Perfume Oil[/caption] Today marks the start of the Autumn season although it has felt like Fall for a few weeks around here. The garden is winding down and the pantry shelves are again full of jars from the harvest.... Read more →
Lots and lots of questions lately about our natural body powder. So think of this as a faq and a few tips type of post. Our body powder is something my family uses every single day and most days many times a day in the summer. It keeps us cooler... Read more →
I hope you all had a fun filled holiday weekend! Mine was a whirl wind of harvesting from the garden, cleaning it up a bit, putting part of it to rest for the fall and lots of canning in the kitchen. I'm pooped out but very satisfied with the results.... Read more →
A few weeks ago I hinted about the great love I have for the Yarrow in my garden. Daisy and I finished up a new batch of the salve and it's now ready in our Etys shop and our Farm Store. She is now old enough to help with this... Read more →
The kids are headed back to public school very soon, our fall curriculum home school is under way, the garden is in full production, the canners and dehydrators are working overtime and the pantry is filling up. WOW no wonder I’m tired. I needed a bit of a reminder that... Read more →